I was recently chosen by Crowdtap to receive coupons for FREE Old Navy shirts. So exciting!! I received a coupon for myself, and one for a friend. I brought my mom to the store with me to use the friend coupon. Kids in tow, we headed to the mall. It was easy to find the shirts that were valid with the coupon, I liked that they had listed the styles. My mom picked out an orange and a pink henley, and I picked out a blue and green. Using the coupon was a breeze, not a single problem. I'm loving my shirts, am wearing my blue one right now actually! It seems to run slightly large. I'm usually a large, but this one is a tad baggy, I don't mind though, I like the roominess. Which either means I'm losing weight (yay) or it's running bigger, either is fine by me, I wouldn't mind saying that I'm a medium again!! With 2 buttons undone, I felt as if tit was a bit much, but one button was fine. I think it would be cute with a layered cami or tank underneath as well.

I picked out:
in Imperial Jade and Blue Moon - gorgeous colors!
And here is a super flattering (*gag*) picture of myself, photography by my daughter Lily and my lovely phone!
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